La evaluación del ciclo de vida sirve para evaluar los impactos ambientales asociados con todas las etapas de la vida de un producto, que es desde la extracción de la materia prima hasta la producción, distribución, uso, tratamiento al final de la vida útil, reciclaje y disposición final.
Proporciona evidencia de que un producto, servicio o tecnología es ambientalmente preferible a otro.

Ver la imagen completa = Enfoque holístico 

En Leafware, tenemos la experiencia y los recursos para ofrecer soluciones de envasado sostenibles que impulsarán sus resultados. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer los productos de consumo, consumibles, productos de limpieza y protección personal más innovadores para la presentación del Servicio de Alimentos. Elíjanos como su proveedor y disfrutará de acceso a personas apasionadas y enfocadas en el cliente que están decididas a brindarle lo mejor en nuevas ideas y empaques ecológicos, junto con una relación calidad-precio genuina. Estamos orgullosos de ser rápidos, precisos y fáciles de tratar.

Asóciese con nosotros y cuidemos juntos nuestro mundo futuro.

Tratamos con clientes como:

• Cafeterías

• Charcuterías

• Restaurantes de comida rápida

• Vendedores ambulantes de comida

• Catering corporativo

• Industria de viajes

• Supermercados

• Carnicería

• Panadería

• Productores de alimentos

• Y más!

Our Strategic Plan





The goal is circularity throughout the supply chain

Innovation always ends up having a positive effect. We start with a strong commitment to Research & Development to create increasingly circular and sustainable products. Guided by innovation, the entire group is involved in the company’s key role: making the plastic supply chain sustainable. An ambitious project that we pursue by networking with the regulating authorities in the 12 countries in which we operate.

We want to act upon the origin of the problem

The solution looks far ahead. The problem of plastic in our seas affects us and we will tackle it in two ways:

  • activating partnerships with rPET suppliers from the areas most at risk, to raise awareness on the issue and stimulate the circular economy.
  • organising collection events in our areas, along the coastlines and rivers, also involving collaborators and stakeholders.

We measure the impact to continue reducing it.

The solution looks far ahead. The problem of plastic in our seas affects us and we will tackle it in two ways:

  • activating partnerships with rPET suppliers from the areas most at risk, to raise awareness on the issue and stimulate the circular economy.
  • organising collection events in our areas, along the coastlines and rivers, also involving collaborators and stakeholders.

We value our people and our territories

For a more sustainable future. Our policy values young talent and is close to the territory. We are committed to promoting good practices, work ethics and disseminating clear and verified information, organising training and awareness-raising events for schools and communities. We invest in health and safety as fundamental values that are able to guarantee the well-being of our employees.

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